Erland Isaksson Apps

Squeeze Display 1.2.0
Squeeze Display is a full screen applicationthat shows what is currently playing on your Squeezebox, it'sprimarily designed to act as a "Now Playing" screen on a tablet.Except for artist name and album/track title it also displayartist images from However, neither this application northe developer is endorsed, certified or otherwise approved in anyway by current version don't work if the Squeezebox Server orLogitech Media Server is password protected, and it doesn't workwith players only connected to
RSS Photo Show 1.0.1
RSS Photo Show is a full screenapplicationthat shows images/photos from an RSS flow. It can beused to turnyour smart phone or tablet to a photo frame that showsonlineimages from any service that makes its images available as aRSSimage flow.This includes services like Flickr, Picasa, NASA,feedburner,, Photobucket and many more.It shows the images as a continuous automatic slideshow andalsolets you swipe left/right to go to previous or next imagemanually.Clicking at an image will launch the web browser and go tothe pagewhere it's comes from.It's possible to select from a number of predefined flows butyoucan also specify the address to your own personal RSS flow withyourown images/photos.